EVA High Performance

GFRP Rebar Series

Serial Number Diameter (mm) Cross section (mm2) Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) Weight (g/m) Modulus of elasticity (GPa) Ultimate shear strength (MPa) Elongation at break
1 06 26.87 1050 55 55 >181 3.0
2 08 47.76 1050 99
3 10 74.63 1050 157
4 12 107.46 1050 219
5 16 192.26 1050 390
6 18 244.55 1050 500
7 20 303.11 1050 621

Properties of EVA GFRP Bar

Material: Steel EVA GFRP Bar
Tensile strength, not less than, MPa 500 1100
Modulus of elasticity, GPa 160 55
Bond strength, MPa 14 20
Thermal conductivity, W/(m°C) 46 0.35
Linear expansion coefficient, 10⁻⁶/°C 13-15 9-12
Density, kg/m³ 7800 1900
Relative elongation, not more than, % 25 3
Compressive strength, MPa 250 382

Comparative Weights Of Steel Bars And EVA GFRP Bars

Sizes Steel EVA GFRP Bars
Dia(mm) C/S area (mm²) Weight(g/m) Weight(g/m)
04 11.26 98 26
06 26.87 222 55
08 47.75 395 99
10 74.63 620 157
12 107.46 890 219
16 192.26 1580 392
20 303.11 2470 621

Diameter and weight of steel rebar’s and EVA BAR equivalent on the basis of tensile strengths

Steel EVA GFRP Bars
Dia(mm) Weight(g/m) Dia(mm) Weight(g/m)
06 222 04 26
08 395 06 55
10 620 08 99
12 890 10 157
16 1580 12 219
18 2000 14 307
22 2980 16 392
25 3848 18 500

Remark: Can be customised with ultimate strength design related products.